Self Teach Guitar: How to Master It in No Time

You know that feeling? An eagerness to let your fingers dance across those guitar strings, but a little unsure about where exactly to embark on this musical journey. Trust me, you’re not alone — plenty of us have been at the starting line with an intense yearning for music and just as much confusion about turning our enthusiasm into actual chords and melodies.

But here’s something hopeful: according to thorough studies, nearly half of today’s successful guitarists are self-taught. So take heart! This blog is going to be your road map – offering strategies, essential tools, and proven methods that’ll help you navigate through teaching yourself guitar effectively.

Ready? Set? Let’s strum!

Key Takeaways

  • It is entirely possible to teach yourself guitar with dedication and practice.
  • Online resources such as YouTube tutorials and mobile apps make self-learning more achievable than ever before.
  • Mastering the basics, including understanding guitar fundamentals and learning chords, is essential for teaching yourself guitar.
  • Creating an optimal learning environment, gathering high-quality resources, and establishing a solid practice routine are key to effective self-learning.

Is it Possible to Self-learn Guitar?

Yes, it’s entirely possible to teach yourself guitar! There’s no doubt the process can be challenging, but with a solid practice routine and dedication, you’ll find yourself strumming away in no time.

Many resources exist today that make self-learning more achievable than ever before. Online tutorials on platforms like YouTube offer step-by-step lessons for beginners and advanced players alike.

Of course, teaching oneself guitar requires discipline. You’ll need to build your learning plan and stick to it consistently. Patience will also play a crucial role as learning an instrument doesn’t happen overnight.

If chosen carefully, high-quality learning resources coupled with regular practice can achieve the same results as taking lessons from a professional teacher would have offered – sometimes even better! So go ahead: pick up that guitar and begin making music all on your terms.

The Basics of Playing Guitar


To begin learning guitar, you need to understand the fundamentals and learn basic guitar chords.

Understanding the fundamentals

Grasping the fundamentals of guitar is a crucial part of teaching yourself this instrument. Whether I focused on acoustic or electric, mastering the basic elements was my first step.

This included learning about types of guitars like Stratocaster and Telecaster along with their unique characteristics and benefits.

Next came understanding how to strum correctly and grasp hold of a pick, both vital techniques in guitar playing. Guitar chords became my best friends as I explored stepping-stone chords for beginners before moving on to advanced ones.

Each chord change presented a new challenge that helped improve my dexterity tremendously over time. With patience and regular practice, these basics eventually felt second nature to me.

Learning guitar chords

Starting with basic chords is a great way to embark on your guitar-learning journey.

  1. Identify the fundamental chords: Some essential ones include G major, D major, C major, A minor, and E minor.
  2. Use finger placement charts: These visual guides provide clear instructions on where to place your fingers for each chord.
  3. Master the art of transition: Switching smoothly and quickly between chords will help you play songs more efficiently.
  4. Practice strumming: Start slow and gradually speed up the process as you gain confidence.
  5. Learn stepping-stone chords: They are easier versions of regular chords and can be helpful for beginners before moving on to complex ones.
  6. Gradually learn advanced chords: Once comfortable with basic ones, explore complex formations like barre chords or power chords.
  7. Experiment with chord variations: Different styles and genres of music use unique combinations of chords, providing endless learning possibilities.
  8. Use online resources: Websites like Ultimate Guitar offer vast libraries of songs with corresponding chord progressions.
  9. Regularly exercise your fingers: This improves dexterity and speed over time which is essential while learning harder pieces or techniques.

Essential Tools for Teaching Yourself Guitar

To effectively teach yourself guitar, you’ll need to create an optimal learning environment, gather high-quality learning resources, and establish a solid practice routine.

Optimal learning environment

Creating the right atmosphere is crucial when teaching yourself guitar. A quiet, dedicated space allows you to focus on learning and practicing without interruptions. This could be a corner of your bedroom, home office, or even outdoors if weather permits! Keep your guitar stand nearby for easy access and consider using headphones for isolated sound during practice sessions.

Use ambient lighting to reduce eye strain from sustained focus. It’s all about comfort and eliminating distractions, allowing you to concentrate solely on mastering those chords and techniques.

Remember, consistency in this practice environment builds discipline, essential in self-learning any musical instrument including the guitar.

High-quality learning resources

I believe that the key to teaching yourself guitar successfully is having access to high-quality learning resources. Here are some essential tools that can help you in your journey:

  1. Online guitar lessons: Websites like Fender Play and offer comprehensive video tutorials and structured lesson plans tailored for beginners.
  2. Guitar books: Investing in instructional books written by experienced guitarists can provide you with valuable techniques, chord charts, and music theory knowledge.
  3. Guitar apps: There are various mobile apps available that offer interactive lessons, chord libraries, and practice tools to help you improve your skills on the go.
  4. Online communities: Joining online forums and communities dedicated to guitar players allows you to connect with fellow learners, seek advice, and share your progress.
  5. YouTube tutorials: Many skilled guitarists share their expertise through video tutorials on platforms like YouTube. You can find tutorials for specific songs, techniques, or even full courses.
  6. Practice aids: Tools such as metronomes, backing tracks, and jam tracks can enhance your practice sessions by providing a structured rhythm or musical accompaniment.

A solid practice routine

Having a solid practice routine is essential when teaching yourself guitar. It’s important to set aside dedicated time each day to practice and improve your skills. By consistently practicing, you’ll build muscle memory, strengthen your fingers, and develop better technique.

Remember to start with the basics and gradually progress to more advanced techniques. Avoid rushing through the learning process as it can lead to sloppy skills and bad habits. Take your time and focus on mastering each skill before moving on.

And don’t forget to record videos of yourself playing – this will allow you to analyze your technique from a different perspective and identify areas for improvement. With discipline and dedication, a solid practice routine will help you make significant progress in your guitar journey.

Strategies for Teaching Yourself Guitar

In this section, I will share practical strategies to help you teach yourself guitar and become a confident player. From finding the perfect guitar for you to learning songs by ear, these tips will guide you on your self-learning journey.

Don’t miss out on these valuable insights!

Finding the best guitar for you

I believe that finding the best guitar for you is a crucial step in your self-learning journey. It’s important to consider your musical preferences, playing style, and budget when choosing a guitar.

Whether you’re looking for an acoustic or electric guitar, there are various options available that cater to different skill levels and genres. Take the time to try out different guitars at music stores or seek recommendations from experienced musicians.

Remember, finding the right guitar will enhance your learning experience and make practicing more enjoyable.

Building skills by learning songs

Learning guitar becomes more engaging and fun when you start building skills by learning songs. Here are some strategies to help you develop your guitar-playing abilities:

  1. Analyze the structure of the song and identify the chords: Take note of the chord progressions and transitions within the song. This will help you understand how different chords fit together in a musical piece.
  2. Practice chord changes: Focus on mastering smooth transitions between chords so that you can play the song fluently. Start with simpler songs that use basic chords, gradually progressing to more advanced songs with complex chord changes.
  3. Work on your strumming technique: Pay attention to the rhythm and strumming patterns used in the song. Practice strumming along with recordings or backing tracks to improve your timing and precision.
  4. Study guitar tabs or notation: Guitar tabs provide visual representations of how to play specific melodies or solos on the instrument. Learn how to read tabs or sheet music to expand your repertoire of songs.
  5. Play along with recordings: Use online resources or apps that provide backing tracks for popular songs. Playing along with these recordings will help you develop a sense of timing, dynamics, and musicality.

Learning to pick up songs by ear

Learning to pick up songs by ear is an important skill when teaching yourself guitar. It allows you to play your favorite songs without relying on sheet music or tabs. Here are some strategies for developing this skill:

  1. Listen carefully: Pay close attention to the melody, rhythm, and chords of the song you want to learn. Train your ear to identify different musical elements.
  2. Break it down: Start by listening to small sections of the song and figuring out the notes or chords one at a time. Repeat this process until you can play the entire song.
  3. Trial and error: Experiment with different finger positions and strumming patterns until you find what sounds right. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes – it’s all part of the learning process.
  4. Use visual aids: Watch live performances or video tutorials of the song you’re trying to learn. Seeing how other musicians play can provide valuable insights and help you pick up new techniques.
  5. Practice regularly: Consistency is key when training your ear. Set aside dedicated practice time each day to work on picking up songs by ear.

Practicing consistently

Consistency is key when it comes to practicing the guitar. Regular and dedicated practice will help you improve your skills and progress faster. Set aside a specific time each day or week for your practice sessions, and stick to it.

Even if you can only spare 15 minutes a day, consistent practice will yield better results than sporadic longer sessions. Make sure to focus on areas that challenge you and set small goals for yourself to stay motivated.

Remember, becoming a great guitarist takes time and effort, so be patient with yourself as you work towards your musical goals.

Being patient with yourself

Being patient with myself is crucial when teaching myself guitar. Rushing the learning process can lead to sloppy skills and the formation of bad habits. Taking my time and being patient with myself is important because mastery of the guitar takes time and dedication.

Advanced Techniques in Self-learning Guitar

Explore the intricacies of guitar scales, master chord charts, and tabs, and enhance your learning with video tutorials. Dive into advanced techniques to take your self-taught guitar skills to the next level.

Understanding guitar scales

Understanding guitar scales is essential for developing advanced techniques in self-learning guitar. Scales provide a framework for creating melodies, improvising solos, and understanding music theory. Here are some important guitar scales to learn:

  1. The A Minor Pentatonic scale: This versatile scale is used in many genres, including rock, blues, and pop. It is easy to learn and can be played in various positions on the fretboard.
  2. The C Major Pentatonic scale: Another widely used scale, the C Major Pentatonic provides a bright and joyful sound. It is great for creating melodies and solos in major keys.
  3. The Blues Scale: Derived from the minor pentatonic scale, the blues scale adds a note called the “blue note.” It gives a unique bluesy sound that is commonly used in blues and rock music.
  4. The Major Scale: This fundamental scale forms the basis of Western music theory. Learning the major scale will enable you to understand chord progressions, harmonies, and modes.

Learning how to read chord charts and tabs

Chord charts and tabs are essential tools for learning guitar. Chord charts provide visual diagrams that show you where to place your fingers on the fretboard to play specific chords.

Tabs, on the other hand, represent the strings and frets of the guitar, allowing you to learn songs note by note. Both chord charts and tabs can be found online for free or in guitar books.

By understanding how to read these notations, you’ll be able to learn a wide variety of songs and expand your musical repertoire. So grab your guitar and start exploring the world of chords and tabs!

Watching guitar video tutorials

Watching guitar video tutorials can be a valuable tool for teaching yourself advanced techniques in self-learning guitar. These tutorials provide visual demonstrations and detailed explanations that make it easier to understand and replicate complex techniques.

By watching experienced players break down these techniques step by step, you can learn new skills at your own pace and improve your overall playing ability. Additionally, video tutorials allow you to pause, rewind, and replay as many times as needed to fully grasp the technique being taught.

Whether you’re looking to master intricate fingerpicking patterns or learn how to perform impressive guitar solos, video tutorials are a convenient and effective resource for advancing your skills.

The Benefits and Pitfalls of Self-learning Guitar

Teaching myself guitar has been a journey full of benefits and pitfalls. Through my experience, I have been able to identify some of these that have greatly shaped my learning journey.

Benefits Pitfalls
Choosing self-learning allowed me to have a personalized pace. Without a teacher, it was challenging to get instant feedback on my practices.
I saved a lot financially since I didn’t have to pay for guitar lessons. It took me a longer time to figure out some techniques that could have been easily explained by a teacher.
Through self-teaching, I developed a strong sense of discipline and consistency. In times of difficulty, it was easy to feel demotivated without a teacher to encourage me.
Self-learning gave me the freedom to choose the best resources that worked for me, ensuring the quality of my learning. Without guidance, I sometimes ended up wasting time on unproductive practices.
Teaching myself guitar allowed me to explore and learn songs that I was interested in. My progress was sometimes stalled by my inability to identify and correct my mistakes.

Understanding these benefits and pitfalls has helped me adapt my self-learning strategies, making my journey more enjoyable and effective.


Yes, you can teach yourself guitar! With the right resources and a solid practice routine, self-learning is not only possible but also effective. Don’t worry about finding the perfect guitar teacher – there are plenty of high-quality online resources available to guide you on your journey.

Remember to have a learning plan, prioritize regular practice, and be patient with yourself. Start today and unlock your musical potential!


Can I learn to play guitar by myself?

Yes, you can teach yourself guitar! Online tutorials and YouTube lessons make learning at home easier. It's better if you have a dedicated practice space for your sessions.

What kind of guitar is best for beginners?

Both nylon-string acoustics and electric guitars are suitable for beginners. The "Find Your Fender" tool may assist in choosing the right model.

Is there a fast way to improve my guitar techniques?

Dedication is key! Consistent practice, using an online community, or tools like the Fender Play App can help accelerate progress.

How useful is having acoustic or electric guitar accessories?

Accessories such as tuners, and effects pedals including distortion, delay, chorus pedals, etc., can enhance sound output leading to more enjoyable practice sessions.

Where can I find appropriate learning resources?

Apart from live teacher interactions or enrolling in courses, free trial programs like Fender Play offer methodological approaches which include beginner chord instructions until advanced-level lead guitar cheat sheets.

What other important factors should be considered while teaching myself how to play the Guitar?

Having patience plays a crucial role while learning any musical instrument by oneself; coupling this with effective utilization of metronomes during practice helps build rhythm sense thus facilitating overall progress.

General Facts

1. Learning guitar by yourself is possible and can be effective if you follow the right resources.

2. Not all guitar teachers are equal, and a bad teacher can do more harm than good.

3. Many guitar teachers prioritize growing their business over improving their teaching skills.

4. Finding a good guitar teacher can be challenging, as great teachers are rare.

5. To teach yourself guitar, you need a learning plan, high-quality learning resources, and a solid practice routine.

6. Having a plan on what topics and techniques to learn is crucial for effective self-teaching.

7. There are a lot of online resources available for learning guitar, but it is important to find high-quality ones.

8. Practice is essential for improving guitar skills, and having a solid practice routine is crucial.

9. It is recommended to read about guitars before purchasing one.

10. Recording videos of yourself playing can help you analyze your technique from a different perspective.

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